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  • Writer's pictureEquilibrium Pain Management Coaching & Massage Therapy

Information needs of patients with pain

I am inviting people to take part in a small survey about patient pain health information experiences and needs. This is for an assignment I am doing for a Biomedical Pain Management paper (part of my PGDipHealSc endorsed in Pain and Pain Management through the University of Otago). I am interested in understanding the information needs and experiences of patients who currently have, or who have had pain. Your pain might be:

  • pain related to an injury e.g. low back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain

  • pain related to an existing inflammatory condition e.g. osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis

  • nerve pain

  • pain conditions such as frozen shoulder, fibromyalgia, chronic headache, temporomandibular (jaw) pain, IBS or other gastrointestinal condition

I have designed a small anonymous survey and have included more information below.


Participation in this survey is completely voluntary (your choice) and anonymous. You are not required to participate and if you decide to, I am not requiring any identifiable information from you.

What is this survey about?

Often, the first health professional a person may see about their pain is their GP. I am interested in understanding the information needs of patients who currently have, or who had had pain: what information they are given about treatment and management, how they are given information, how involved they are in decisions about treatment and management of their pain.

The answers you provide may help me identify issues that could highlight challenges and opportunities for patient information provided by GPs.

What will I have to do?

You will be asked a number of questions in an online survey. The survey should take you no more than 5 minutes.

Who can take part?

All people in New Zealand/Aotearoa over the age of 18 who are fluent in English can take part. This survey is not available in other languages, so all participants need to have a good level of written English.

General information

No one will be informed about your participation in this survey. Your participation in this survey will not affect or be affected by your normal health care. If you require more information about this survey, please contact me.


I am not requiring any identifiable information from you. Nothing that could personally identify you will be used in any report on this survey. The survey does not record any IP address from your computer. The answers you give will only be used for the purpose of the assignment. Information you provide will not be discussed with your GP or other health care providers. Your contact details or email address are not required.

Ethical approvalThis survey is not subject to ethical approval requirements.

Questions and further information

If you have any questions about this survey, please contact me here

Odette Wood, Registered Massage Therapist

Lecturer: Dr Lizi Edmonds

Survey link

To take the survey, please click on link:

The survey will close on 10 May 2021.

Ngā mihi



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