2018 has been a very busy year for us and we've loved it. You might have noticed that getting an appointment has been a bit harder at times, as our client numbers have continued to increase with more referrals from GPs, physiotherapists and other health practitioners, as well as word of mouth and people finding us via Google.
We've also seen an increase in late cancellations, which has meant that other people wanting an appointment have missed out. We always try to fill vacant slots as quick as possible, but sometimes the length of notice we are given means that other clients wanting an appointment don't have sufficient time to rearrange their schedule, so they miss out.
We totally understand that people get sick and have emergencies which can't be planned for and in those situations we ALWAYS take a compassionate view.
Where cancellations can be made in advance however, we are extending the length of time needed to cancel an appointment from 24 hours to 36 hours. To help this, we are also sending out our email reminders 3 days in advance instead of 2 days. This means that you will have plenty of notice. We do want to remind everyone that the email reminder is a courtesy and we encourage clients to put appointments in their phone, diary or mark on the calendar at the time of making them, so as not to forget or rely on the email as the memory jogger.
An appointment cancelled with advance notice can be a blessing and a gift to someone else in need :-)